Archive for May, 2015

Aliens and Area 51 are the main focus in Area 51, a found-footage film directed by Oren Peli.

Something is pulling four young conspiracy theorists “toward the base,” and because “what it contains is a mystery,” they decide it would be a brilliant idea to don their handheld cameras, pull on their specialized suits, and hop the fence into Area 51.

Once they hop the fence and enter the building, which seems like a piece of cake, they have free-range to explore the vast underground hallways, seeing as not one scientist or military-man appears to work there.

We shall, horror maniacs, “discover the secret” of Area 51 on Friday, May 15th, 2015.

Grandmothers are usually generous, sweet, and kind – unless she has been plucked from The Visit, a horror film directed, written, and produced by M. Night Shyamalan.

In The Visit, the grandmother, sporting grey hair and a cookie-stained apron, becomes, once 9:30pm rolls around, increasingly strange. And Pop-Pop, too, begins acting bizarre when he points a shotgun into his mouth or stands atop his storage unit. As the children put it, “They’re weird during the day, and even weirder at night.”

The two children, sensing that Nana and Pop-Pop “are hiding something,” charge their handheld camera and begin documenting the weird happenings of their elderly relatives all while Skyping their frazzled-looking mother.

Seeing as this is a Shymalan movie, what do YOU think the twist will be? (I guess we’ll have to see what happens when The Visit appears in theaters in September.)